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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

SICkapore $ is a SELL!

I have already talked about Y SICKapore $ has to go down. Here is a recap:

SM Lee already told us that SICKapore cannot be more expensive than HungKees. But, SICKapore $ had already appreciated 25% against HungKees. Meaning SICKapore already 25% LESS competitive. How much longer can the SICKapore garment stand aside n see such eroding of competitiveness?

SICKapore is a SMALL island with NO natural resources. That is a FACT and NOone should dare to challenge such simple fact. The MAIN reason for such a big gain in SICKapore $ to ALL time high was because the garment want to counter the IMPORTED inflation. SICKapore IMPORT lots of stuff, esp. food. Garments all over the world will be more critical of the doubling and trippling of rice and other essentials and WILL bring them down. So, SICKapore should face less inflation pressure going forward.

US slowED, EU slowing, Chindia following to cool, SICKapore being a BERI OPEN economy will make OUTsized gain on the way UP and it will make OUTsized loss on the way DOWN as well.

The show MUST go on = INFLATION

Benny + Mr. SEX will continue to INFLATE the US housing assets in order to stablise the price. Given that with ALL their enormous efforts ALREADY done and housing prices still FELL, we could only imagine what it would have been had they NOT INFLATE so dramatically.

I believe they will CONTINUE to INFLATE till prices stop falling.

Jim Rogers was shouting on CNBC that Benny "was waving a flag that he wants INFLATION" Sorry, I think Benny NEEDs INFLATION NOT want, because there is NO way out!